Sunday, July 25, 2010

Personal Training Session #7 and #8

I'm a bit late in posting, but it was a very busy week! There's so much going on right now.

Session #7 was Wednesday last week, and the focus was split pretty evenly between upper and lower body. I'm not sure if that was the original plan or if that became the plan when I told my trainer I had to be able to walk the next day because we had our engagement photo shoot scheduled. Either way, it was a good workout...I was feeling much better mentally and physically focused than I had the week before. I was able to walk the next day, I actually felt pretty good overall.

Session #8 was on Friday. It also seemed to be a combo workout of upper and lower body, but with more abs/core exercises thrown in. I definitely felt the lower body workout on Saturday morning when I woke up.

My homework this week was to focus on adding in some snacks to my day to make sure I'm getting enough calories to fuel my workouts...I'm trying. If anyone has any good healthy snack ideas that pairs protein and carbs (preferably not super heavy snacks), please leave them in the comments, I could use some new ideas.

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